
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Student Success Statement 

"It may make a difference to all eterenity whether we do right or wront today." 

James Freeman Clark 

Reflection: Well this is in fact true. It's basic knowledge,  
The choices you make in life might be small or sometimes really impactful. But there's some choices people make that weren't the greatest option. The decisions you make today might define your future. For example if one day you wake up and you're like hey, ima rob a bank.
Taking that choice might get you caught and sent to jail for many years which will ruin your opportunity of finding a stable job and might ruin the chance of future relationships. That ONE bad choice you make can define your future in more than one way. 

Duties and Responsiblities: Librarians organize books in a way people can find them. They are responsible for finding books and sometimes even suggesting books. 
They have to keep up with book trends and movie trends. They have to be very organaized and learn how to use softwares to fit the cutomers needs. 

Salary: 24,510-66,590

Education: A masters degree in Library science is required for librarians who work in public, academic, and as well as school libraries. 
The MLS degree takes about 1 to 2 years.

Relflection: Honestly, this career is not very well paying but it's soemthingi would actually want to pursue becasue it seems really fun. You get to socialize with people, you're around book, you can read as many as you want, and it won't get boring. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Student Success Statement 

'The best way to predict your future is to create it." 

Charles Ketterer

Reflection: This statement basically means that by creating and planning your future, you'll already know what life will bring to you. 
For example if you work hard and want to become a doctor, You'll become one and help many people and have a promising career. 
You have to set your mind to something and achieve it .
"Bless You" 

 People say "Bless you when someone sneezes because the various of sneeze responses origniated for superstitions. Some people beleived that sneezing caused the soul to leave the body throught the nose. 
By saying "bless you" it would stop the devil from claiming one's soul 

This saying originated a very long time ago, there's a lot of interpertations of why we use this phrase. But It was literally meant as a blessing. 
Pope 1 the great (540-604 AD)  used "God bless you" whenever someone sneezed becasue that was one of the symptoms in the plague so he wold bless them in hope they didnt get the bubanic plague,

The practice of blesing someone after they sneeezed dates back to AD 77. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

In the video, It showed that a women named Rachel Castillo that worked in a golf course, she found a bag that held 36,000 dolllars with an ID of an elderly man. And instead of doing something that almost everyone would do. She chose to do the right thing and return the money because that was the right thing to do. She didnt recieve an award but she was ok with that becasue she believed her award would come from a higher power.
Student Success Statement 

"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly." 

Ottoo Graham, Jr. 

Reflection: I don't agree that "this is the greatest question you can ask yourself." There's far greater questions, but that one just isn't one of them. 
Example of a greater question: What's my purpose in life? Whar's the purpose of everyone's life? Why are we here? 
Finding purpose in your life is far greater than asking yourself if something is right or wrong. 
Health Information Specialist 

Duties and Responsiblities: Their duty is to maintain a confiditiality of patients information
 For example, they cannot release a patient's private information to a employer without the patient's permission. 
They must ensure that the patient's informtation stays safe and no one gains access to it. 

Salary: $37,710 annually 

Education: A postsecondary certificate to enter the occupation or an asscoiates degreee and a proffesional certification to enchance your occupation. 

Reflection: No, I dont think I would want to become one, it doesn't interest me in any way, it actually sounds somewhat boring. I want a job in which I dont have to stay stuck in a chair with a computer on my face the whole day. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Im not going to talk about the video. 
I want to talk about the previous picture about the children from the little league team 
Yes they cheated but calling TWELVE YEAR OLDS pathetic and disgusting isnt exactly my definition of honor. 

You teach us not to judge, yet you're juding little kids just because an action they took when they were 12 years old. .
Maybe they didn't have the same opportunities as other people, maybe they deserved getting a glipse on how it felt like to not be looked down to. Calling a bunch of little african american twelve year olds disgusting and pathetic isn't honorable. 
what do you think that says about your honor? 
This really made me change my opinion on what I choose to believe
i find it sad how grown ups are suppose to teach us how to be kind and non judgemental, yet you're trying to manipulate us to thinking YOUR way
we all have different mentalities. 
shoving your believes, critism and judgments to people isn't honorable. 
Student Success Statement 

"Act well your part; there all honor lies." 

Alexander Pope 

Reflection: If you act your life well you'll be honorable. If you're a good person, do good deeds, act unselfish and humble, your honor will remain with you, 
Environmental Health Specialist 

Duties and Responsiblities: They protect the environment by identifying problems and finding solutions to minimize or elimate hazards that may harm environments or populations, 
Responsiblities can include inspectation or analysis of environmental conditions as well as creating and maintaining environment policies. 

Salary: $51,294 - $62,982

Education: Possession of a valid Certificate of Registration as an Environmental Health Specialist Issued by the California State Department of Health Services and also graduation from a 4 year college with a major in evironmental health science. 

Reflection: Yes, This job career has always interested me but until now, I saw the depth of this career. I would want to become one because i would be helping and contributing to saving the environment and the people that live in it. The point of this job is to make an impactful difference in this poluted, contaminated world that we live in. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Student Success Statement 

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone that in bad company." 

George Washington 

Reflection: His statement is basically saying that your own company is better than bad people's company. Don't get involved with people that don't want you to succeed in life, because they'll drag you down. The bad traits of the people you're with might rub off on you and damage your reputation as the person you are. 
It's better to be alone than to be with people that don't have your back 
President's Day 

  1. President's Day is an American holiday, originally established in 1885 in recognition to president George Washington, Washington's  actual date of birth 
  2.  Presidents's day is now viewed as a day to celebrate all presedents, past and present.. 
  3. President's day is in the third Monday of February. The 16. 
  4. A few ways to show honor and respect on Presendent's Day is attend ceromonies, show respect and gratitude, Most stores , offices, and schools are closed to show honor. 

    6. I thought it was interesting that as I was searching up the meaning of Presidents day. There were a lot of controversy about this day. 
Many articles stated that it was originally only supposed to be focused on George Washington's contributions to our nation, but after time they decided to make the day about ALL the presidents so it lost it's meaning. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Student Success Statement

"Right is right only when entire." 

Victor Hugo 

Reflection: If you tell a half truth, then everything is a whole lie because the truth is being manipulated to your favor, which isn't being honest. Honesty is telling the COMPLETE truth, not partial. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Student Success Statement 

"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where goalposts are," 

Arnold H. Glasgow

Reflection: You're not going to go far unless you know what your goals are. 
Basketball History

1. James Naismith invented basketball 

2. In Springfield, Masssachusettes

3. It was invented in 1891

4. It was invented to condition young athletes during the winter, it was consisted of peach baskets ad soccer-like balls. He invented 13 rules for the game. The objective of the game was to throw the ball into the fruit basket nailed to the lower railing of the gym balcony. 

5.So James Naismith could condition his athletes the beggining they just had a fruit basket and a soccer styled ball. the fruit basket was nailed to the balcony so they had to call the janitor with the ladder to get the ball down but after some time they the bottom on the fruit basket was removed. 

7. In the beginning only his team knew about this odd form of conditionning but James wanted to develope the idea into something more. He would divide his 18 players into 2 teams of 9 players. 

9.  In the start there were originally only 13 rules for the game but it has now expanded to over 100.
also the number of team players were limited, before any number of people could play but now the size decreased to 5 in a team. 
Baskets also changed, we dont use peach baskets, we use "hoops" with backboards. 

11. I think it was fascinating how this game developed over time, rules were added or improved or suspended. But the game came to be because of one man.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Christian And Tanna 

Christian's father mugged an old lady that was paying respect in a cementary to her husband that had passed away 2 weeks before.
Chris found out what happened and realized that his father had given him more than 200 dollars to go on a band trip that he wanted to attend.
He felt awful because he didnt wanna end up like his father so he met up with the lady and returned that money and apolagized. He didnt want to be a bad person and decided he wasnt going to be one.
The lady was grateful so she let him keep the money.
I think it was nice how the guy didnt even have any association with his father but still decided to do the right thing out of empathy and understanding
Student Success Statement 

"Only those live who do good." 

Count Leo Tolstoy 

Reflection: This means that people who do good, help others, and has a pure personality, are those who live life. Because life is about harmony and helping and making the world a better place. 
If you're just in the couch all day, stuffing your face, that's not living, it's wasting time that should be used productively 

Duties and Responsiblities: a licensed health professional who is trained to diagnose or treat injured or diseased animals
They are responsible for the health and welfare of the treated animals , they are also responsible for the health of the animal owner to make sure diseases dont transport to them. 
They work in animal clinics and pet hospitals

Salary: 53,270-149,530

Education: Must be required to attend veterinary medical colleges and obtain a bachelors in science related areas such as; Chemistry, biology, physiology, anatomy, zoology, animal science, and molecular biology. 

Reflection: YES I would love to become one, I've considered that job career several times. I love animals, that’s why I decided to become vegetarian last year.  This is definitely my top 3.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Western Medicine Doctor 

Duties and Responsibilities: Western medicine is the term used to describe the treatment of medical conditions with medications, by doctors, nurses and other conventional healthcare providers who employ methods developed according to Western medical and scientific traditions.

these include,,, 
including surgery,chemotherapy, radiation, and physical therapy. The practitioners of Western medicine are doctors, nurses, physical, occupational, and respiratory therapists,. 
These docotors are well known and compete with Eastern medicial doctors

Salary: 72,000-90,000 

Education: Must pass a vary of board exams, educated in all the same bases as a medical doctor.
traing in clincal nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine, psychology, 

Reflection: No I dont think I would like to become one, I want nothing to do with being a doctor of any kind, the job career just doesn't attract me.