Final part 2:
A. What I liked about this class was that it gave us the opportunity to provide us with different carreer opportunities and gave us options to explore them a little further, I enjoyed that this class allowed us to discover different porffessions that we would normally not consider.
What I TRULY disliked about this class was most of the Student Success Statements. I disagreed with a large number of them because in all due respect, i have different believes and i felt obligated to staand up to what I believe in. Most of them were very close-minded and limitted, I hated them. And i hated the fact that you made us AGREE with them in th e reflection, We as students should have our own choice in what to put in the relfection. Shoving beliefs down childrens throats isn't a very good thing to do. You should give us an opportunity to actually say how we feel about the topic and disagree or agree with it. You should be making us OPEN MINDED about these type of things instead of just telling us YOUR opinion and making us back up what YOU believe in.
B. I do have a couple suggestions to improve the class. Instead of making us support the quotes in the student success statement you should allow ourselves to decide if we agree on it or not.
We should also be able to speak our minds on topics like obidience and rules.
C. Well I did all of my work and I have an A in this class so you can say I put effort into it,
D. Actually I have two Life Planning books. One i have at school, the other at home. I have over 600 goals in the book i have at home. And I do read them everyday for more than 2 minutes.
E. I do want to become a better person and I am striving to becoming a better person everyday. So yes.
F. I promise that from this day on i'm just going to stop keeping my believes to myslef, I need to start standing up for what's right and true and stop going along with the crowd. I'm just going to be myself and make my mind stable and when i accomplish inner peace my spirit will be fullfilled