
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final part 2: 

A.  What I liked about this class was that it gave us the opportunity to provide us with different carreer opportunities and gave us options to explore them a little further, I enjoyed that this class allowed us to discover different porffessions that we would normally not consider. 

     What I TRULY disliked about this class was most of the Student Success Statements. I disagreed with a large number of them because in all due respect, i have different believes and i felt obligated to staand up to what I believe in. Most of them were very close-minded and limitted, I hated them. And i hated the fact that you made us AGREE with them in th e reflection, We as students should have our own choice in what to put in the relfection. Shoving beliefs down childrens throats isn't a very good thing to do. You should give us an opportunity to actually say how we feel about the topic and disagree or agree with it. You should be making us OPEN MINDED about these type of things instead of just telling us YOUR opinion and making us back up what YOU believe in. 

B. I do have a couple suggestions to improve the class. Instead of making us support the quotes in the student success statement you should allow ourselves to decide if we agree on it or not. 
We should also be able to speak our minds on topics like obidience and rules. 

C. Well I did all of my work and I have an A in this class so you can say I put effort into it, 

D. Actually I have two Life Planning books. One i have at school,  the other at home. I have over 600 goals in the book i have at home. And I do read them everyday for more than 2 minutes. 

E. I do want to become a better person and I am striving to becoming a better person everyday. So yes. 

F. I promise that from this day on i'm just going to stop keeping my believes to myslef, I need to start standing up for what's right and true and stop going along with the crowd. I'm just going to be myself and make my mind stable and when i accomplish inner peace my spirit will be fullfilled 
                  Final Part 1:                        

Interdisciplinary Unit Experience

   I'm a freshman so I didn't really know what to expect when the teachers talked about the Interdisciplinary Unit, it made me a little nervous actually. During English class we all sat down and were paired up with random teammembers chosen by the teacher and each group was presented with a topic about Health and fitness. We didn't get to choose the topic and that was a little of a disadvantage. I disliked my topic at first. It was, "Should Students be mandated to join an athletic sport?" I'm not a fan of working out or sports in that matter, so I wasn't thrilled about the topic.
   My teammates and I wanted a new topic but the teacher didn't allow us to choose one for oursleves. My teammates, Alan, Karen, Esmeralda, Luis, and Kevin were all assigned a specific part of the assignment. I was in charge of drawing the audience in with a introduction. I was in charge of creating the claim which was "If students are mandated to join a sport it can help them overcome many physical or emotional issues and can even benefit our overall society. 
We agreed that students SHOULD be mandated to participate in an athletic sport, And we all found facts to back it up, 
  After we were done with our 7 paged essay we got the main points and converted it into a powerpoint including pictures and sources, we studied our lines and practiced what we were going to say in our Biomedic class. After we gained up confidence we were ready. We arrived after school, dressed nicely and presentable and ready to present our powerpoint and point of view to the professionals but one of our teammates wasn't there. We panicked But we took a deep breath and agreed that Alan was going to summarize her part. We stood infront of the pannel and said our part, my hands got sweaty but I managed to say my part without reading it off of my flashcard. We answered both of the professional's questions and everything went smoothlty. 
Student Success Statement 

When I do good I feel good, When I do bad I feel bad." 

Abraham Lincon 

Reflection; We as huamns feel emotions, they're hardwired to our system. For example one feeling is  a feeling of "good" that's the feeling you get when you do the right thing and you feel inner peace. But another feeling is guilt. That's the feeling we recieve when we do something that we know wasn't the right thing to do and it haunts us because we didn't have to make that decision. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Student Success Statement 

You are in charge 

"Take responsibility for your own body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being ." 

Mr. Haymore

Relfection: I think this means that if you take responsiblity for your own mind, spirit and body it will effect the way your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being is, So it's like an outcome of your actions and decisions. If you take care of your body and exercise and eat right, you will be physically healthy. If you take care of your mind by being mentally stable, you will be mentally healthy, If you take care of your spirrt, you will be spiritually healthy. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Student Success Statement 

"We need the courage to start and continue what we should do and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do" 

Richard L. Evans 

Reflection: I actually like this statenment. Because it's true. We should start actually focusing on the things we want to accomplish in life and stop doing whatever is keeping us from accomplishing it. There's going to be obsticles and people that'll tell you that you can't do it but have to do what you have to do and go with your guts. If we're afraid to strive for our goals, we'll never go anywhere, we'll stay in the same place with the same people that didn't believe in you. 
I think everyone should just go for whatever they want to fullfil and prove to themselves and they can do whatever they wish to do but with regualtions of course. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Student Success Statement 

"Always do right" 

Mark Twain 

Reflection: This basically means to be always be true and honest and do the right thing throughout your lifetime. Its such a simple but meaningful statement. Just be good, and stand up to what you believe in. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

When you tell a Lie it Leads to Another
Paul Hatch 

When you tell one lie it leads to another 
  So you tell two lies to cover eachother 
Then you tell three lies, and oh brother, 
      You're in trouble up to your ears! 
So you tell four lies to try to protect you
Then you tell five lies so folks wont suspect 

Then you tell six lies and you'll collect 
     Al life filled with worries and fears
'Cause you can't rememeber how many lies
   You've told
  And half of the things you're saying aren't true
And sometimes you'll slip up and you'll trip up 
      And then  
   Whatever will become of you? 

So you lie without even trying 
And each each lie you tell will keep multiplying 
'Till the whole wide world will know
you're lieing 
Then you'll be
And you should! 
When you lie, you're closing the door
On everything good

Studnt Success Statement 

"When you tell one lie it leads to another" 

Paul Hatch 

Reflection:  In order to keep up with your lie, you have to build up on it with other lies, and the outcome is not always so great. 
But lieing is part of who we are, something we can't change. We lie to protect one's feelings for example, saying an inoccent lie, like a white lie is harmless. White lies are told to make a person feel better, or even make them gain confidence or to even protect them. Imagine how the world would be if we were just all extremely honest all the time, everyone would be judging one another and the world would lead to chaos. Sometimes just being honest all the time and saying your opinions out loud isn't the best thing to do. So I don't agree that lieing is always a bad thing. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Student Success Statement 

1. Can people trust me to do what's right? 

2. Am I commited to do my very best? 

3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated? 

"If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail. 

Lou Holtz

1. YES
2. no, not really
3, yes. 

The reason why i answered no to the 2nd question was because I only truly commit to something when i'm really passionate about it, I don't commit to things that dont interest me. 
For example, I commit to my education only when I know I am actually learning something. I just commit to things that have a meaning to me, like art and music. 

Diagnostic Radiologist

Duties and responsibilities: Diagnostic radiographers use x rays, ultrasound and other forms of imaging technology to examine patients. They are responsible for acquiring the image and frequently they interpret the images and diagnose illnesses and injuries.

Salary: 402,000

Education: Five years of approved training, one year of clinical training, four years of diagnostic radiology program.

Reflection:  No I don’t think I would like to become one because x-rays freak me out and I don’t want a career field on something that I don’t enjoy doing for the rest of my life.