Ben Carson
-Born in the slums of Detriot, in deep povery
His mother came from a family of 24 children
-His mother couldn't read
-His mother raised Ben and his brother, Curtis
-Ben was the worst student in his grade school class
- Ben becomes top student in his school
-Ben becomes a world renowned doctor
Student Success Statement
A Choice: Poverty or Prosperity
"I hated poverty,
Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change
that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I want to work,
and i decided that I would change it,"
Dr. Ben Carson
Reflection: This is really inspiring. He went from having nothing, no education, no knowledge, no stable home, and poverty, to a very successful man that worked hard to help people.
But he has his mother to thank. She was a hardworker too, doing what she could to make her two sons happy. She wanted them to be filled with knowledge about the world and made reading maditory for them. And all of that made him the man he is today.